Mobile Legends english

Here's a quick guide:

To redeem your Mobile Legends code obtained in our Project Codes app, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Go to this website:
    Mobile Legends Top Up

  2. Select the value you redeemed from our Project Codes app.

  3. Fill in the required fields:

  • Email
  • Account ID – these are the numbers before the parentheses.
  • Zone ID – (the numbers inside the parentheses, but don’t include the parentheses, for goodness' sake… :) )

Tap/click on "Validate Player ID", and the selected value will be transferred to your account!


Project Codes is not responsible for technical issues or settings on your devices, nor for technical problems or settings on your accounts outside the Choco Codes app. Refunds are only possible before scanning the QR code/redeeming the voucher

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