Instructions for Redeeming Obtained Codes

What is redeeming/top-up?

Dear Gamer,

Since you've made it this far, we can conclude one of two things:

  1. You’re a meticulous person who researches every detail about a product before purchasing it.

  2. You screamed at us in the DMs on one of our social media accounts saying, “THIS DOESN’T WORK!!! SCAM!!” :)

Before moving forward, so you can quickly get to your precious gems in Brawl Stars, for example, here’s an explanation of why websites for redeeming digital codes for in-game extras even exist in the first place?

(Now comes the boring but necessary part)

Every country’s legal regulations are different. Why? We have no idea… :) Each country has its own laws regarding digital goods, and the developers who create games have designed ways to allow people from all over the world to get their points, gems, v-bucks, etc., without having to make purchases directly within the game. It’s their way of earning and paying their developers!

Why do they do this on external websites?

Well, not everyone has a credit card. Not everyone knows how to use one. And there are even people who never want to use them!

(End of the boring but necessary part)

And this is where our app comes into play, turning the QR codes from our chocolate products into a way to buy everything you need in a game, without a credit card! That’s our Project Codes!


Because all of you have your own individual accounts in all the games we offer, everything that happens after redeeming a code from our app is your responsibility!

You need to follow the steps required by the game developers to redeem and use the code.

We’ve done our best to create this short guide to help you and make your entry into the paid gaming world easier!

Cheers and enjoy! 🎮🍫

Šta je to redeemovanje/top up?

Dragi gejmeru...

Kada si već došao dovde, zaključujemo jednu od ove dve stvari:

1. Ti si jedna temeljna osoba koja istražuje sve detalje nekog proizvoda pre nego što ga i kupi

2. Vrištao si nam u DM na nekoj od društvenih mreža da ti "OVO NE RAADIIIII!!! SCAAAM!!" :)

Pre nego što nastaviš dalje, da što pre dodješ do svojih dragocenih gemova u Brawl Starsu npr.

Evo objašnjenja - zašto uopšte postoje sajtovi za redeemovanje digitalnih kodova za dodatke u igrama?

(Sad ide malo dosadan, ali neophodan deo)

Zakonska regulativa svake države je različita. Zašto? Nemamo pojma... :) Svaka država ima neke svoje zakone o digitalnim dobrima i developeri koji stvaraju igre su napravili način kako da omoguće ljudima iz celog sveta kako da dodju do njihovih poena, gemova, vubucksa itd, bez kupovine u samoj igri. To je njihov način da zarade i plate svoje programere!
Zašto to rade na nekim drugim sajtovima?

Pa nemamo svi kartice. Ne umemo svi da ih koristimo. A ima nekih koji nikada neće ni hteti da ih koriste!

(Kraj dosadnog, ali neophodnog dela)

E ovde se pojavljuje i ova naša aplikacija koja pretvara QR kod sa naših proizvoda u način da kupite sve što vam treba u igri, bez kartice! To je naš Project Codes!
Zbog svih vas koji imate svoje pojedinačne naloge u svim ovim igrama koje imamo u ponudi, sva dešavanja nakon preuzimanja koda iz naše aplikacije su vaš i samo vaš zadatak!
Vi morate da ispoštujete korake koje zahteva proizvodjač igara da biste mogli da iskoristite kod.

Mi smo probali da ovim kratkim uputstvom pomognemo svima vama i da vam olakšamo ovaj vaš ulazak u plaćeni svet igara!

Živeli i uživajte!

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